
iFISH probe design

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ggirelli/iFISH-probe-design (2.0.4)



To design fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) probes, ifpd selects sets of sequences from databases of oligonucleotide sequences, which are designed to hybridize to a single genomic locus with high specificity at certain FISH conditions.

In ifpd, each database consist of a folder with one file per chromosome (or feature, i.e., there is no requirement for a file name to start with “chr”), and a .config file. In other words, the content of a database folder will be something like the following example.

    ┣ chr1
    ┣ chr2
    ┣ ...
    ┣ chrN
    ┗ .config

To see how to generate a database, check the ifpd_mkdb script description.

The chromosome files

Each chromosome file is a plain text file containing three (3) columns: start, end, and sequence (the latter contains the sequence corresponding to the start-end region). Please, note that start and end position are expected to respect follow the UCSC BED file format, i.e.:

It is of interest to note that, at the moment of generation, it is possible to retain in the database any number of additional columns, which are anyhow not used by the ifpd package.

The .config file

The .config file is automatically generated alongside a database. It is used for compatibility with the whole ifpd package, and to validate a newly generated databases.

This file tracks a number of features and parameters of the database, alongside custom ones that the user can add when generating it. An example of .config file is the following:

name = databaseName
refgenome = hg19

min_dist = 10
min_length = 40
max_length = 40
overlaps = False

bed = /media/test/MYC.bed
enforced2bed3 = False
outdirectory = /media/test/MYC

url = example.com

Here is the meaning of each field: